Lifestyle · Motherhood

My Current Favourite Baby Items


I love being a mom, I did not realize how much I could love such a tiny little human. I know I am still very new to motherhood; Asher is now 4 months old, but I have discovered some of our favourite baby items that we currently love. Some we bought and others were gifts – I will try and link what we have (or something similar) at each point. I also would like to say, even though I have linked these to their websites new, we did not buy everything new. Many things we bought used for a good deal, such as my diaper bag and diaper genie, from our local buy and sell online, I highly suggest you check out used as a money saving option. But here are my favourite items at this time, I hope you find this helpful well preparing for your baby or searching for something new for your current little one.

10 Current Favourite Baby Items

  1. Baby Play Mat – This was great when Asher was first born just to lay on, he then slowly started hitting the toys that hang down, now he plays with other toys on it as well. We also use it for tummy time. I lay a receiving blanket down and change it often, to help keep it clean from spit ups.
  2. Change Pad – This makes diaper changes much easier, it’s cute, has rolled edges and a strap (to prevent rolling off) and the material can also easily be cleaned – because let’s face it, babies are messy.
  3. Diaper Genie – I heard so many mixed reviews on if this was worth it or not…my vote is yes 100% worth it! It is so convenient having this beside the changing table, it hides the diaper smell, and it’s so easy to refill and pull out the bag of dirty diapers AMAZING.
  4. Receiving Blankets – I have many of these on hand for spit ups, to cover anything baby needs to lay on, a light blanket, cover while nursing etc. Asher had some reflux so we went through many of them every day in the beginning.
  5. Laundry Bin – We have a separate laundry bin for baby items, you do not want to mix dirty baby clothing with your own. I also wash his stuff on a more gentle wash cycle and use less detergent then we do with our own clothing, so always having it separated saves time as well.
  6. Soother – We really did not want to use one at first but now I am glad we did, sometimes baby just needs it to help him calm down.
  7. On Becoming Babywise – The Infant Sleep Book – We read this book before he was born, and refer to it often. It taught us all about sleep schedules, the basic routine is sleep-eat-wake. It also has schedule outlines week by week as they grow to give you an idea of where they should be at that stage, and when/how to drop feedings. We recently bought the second book in the series to learn how to introduce solids and how it will affect his schedule.
  8. Diaper Bag – We opted for a diaper bag that has lots of pockets, a travel change pad, and a simple black colour so hubby doesn’t feel like he is carrying a purse around (in fact I don’t even use a purse anymore!). This is handy to always have with you for any baby need.
  9. Baby Wraps – I love babywearing! It’s so nice not having to bring a stroller for every walk, or being hands-free somewhere but still being able to cuddle the baby. We’ve also used it when we take public transit to make things smoother. Asher actually loves being in this, he just looks all around and when he gets tired just snuggles in for a snooze. I love the ones by Human + Mother but she recently closed her business, but I also like this one here, I just find it needs to be tied much tighter.
  10. Medela Breast Pump – Even if you are not planning on pumping to bottle feed, the breast pump was nice to have in the crazy beginning stage when your supply is trying to figure out where to be. Pump out any extra to relieve pain well they are adjusting.


I hope you found this helpful and enjoy every step of motherhood! Let me know your must-have items in the comments below.


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